
Posted by & filed under Friends and Family, Hearing Loss.

Last winter at a Christmas party, I noticed a gentleman sitting off in a corner by himself. For such a festive time of year, he didn’t look terribly jolly. In fact, the look in his eyes told a tale of loneliness.

I asked somebody what his story was.

“He’s just not very nice,” the person said with disgust. “He doesn’t seem to care about anybody. He doesn’t even pay attention when you talk to him.”

There had to be more to the story, so I approached the man and tried to strike up a conversation. From the first moment, I knew – he was having trouble hearing me.

What others perceived as indifference, standoffishness, or insulting behavior was actually something much different. He couldn’t hear the person talking to him, so he avoided conversations. Soon enough, people were avoiding him.

I’m guessing you know how it feels.

Hearing loss affects every part of your life. You run the television so loud that your spouse complains. You can’t hear your grandchildren. You’re constantly asking people to repeat themselves. You can’t follow conversations when you’re at dinner with friends.

Maybe you even sit by yourself at Christmas parties.

The good news is that you can change it, and we can help. All you have to do is come in to Woodard for a hearing test. I promise you’ll be pleased with the service you receive.

How can I be so sure? Because we’re very picky about who we employ. Not only are our audiologists and hearing professionals the best in their field, they also know the real objective is to bring joy back to your life.

So you can hear your granddaughter’s big line in the holiday play. Sing Christmas carols with your family and friends. Hear every word of your favorite holiday movie. And enjoy yourself at parties.

There’s just no reason to deal with the loneliness of hearing loss. Stop by Woodard Hearing Centers today and hear what you’ve been missing.