Custom Hearing Protection & Earplugs near Grinnell, Adel, and Urbandale, IA
How many times have you come back from a busy night out to feel your ears ringing?
Noise-induced hearing loss (NIHL) is the second most common form of hearing loss, one that happens without you really noticing: prolonged exposure to loud noises over extended periods of time. Occupational noise from construction sites, loud music in your headphones, and even bustling restaurants full of people can cause NIHL.

Why Do I Need Custom Hearing Protection?
Have you ever tried over-the-counter ear protectors or earplugs? They’re useful up to a point, but become uncomfortable after long periods of time due to the generic, one-size-fits-all approach.
With custom hearing protection, you’ll receive that optimal acoustic seal for ultimate noise protection and comfortable wear without that plugged ear feeling. Custom-fitted earplugs also provide improved sound quality without sacrificing sound protection – you won’t hear anything that’ll damage your hearing.

Why Settle For Generic Earpieces?
With the help of custom hearing protection, you can safeguard your hearing against NIHL and other noise-related damage to your ears. For custom earplugs and hearing protection in the Urbandale, Grinnell, and Adel areas, you can turn to Woodard Hearing Centers for reliable, personalized ear protection for work, concerts, swimming, and more.
Contact us today if you think you or a loved one would benefit from custom ear protection.
Custom Earmolds and Personalized Hearing Protection For All Needs

Working in construction and using industrial equipment

Hearing protection from lawn and garden tool noise, like chainsaws or lawnmowers

Sound monitoring and ear protection for musicians, pilots, and more

Ear protection for shooting sports, hunting, and use of firearms

Hearing protection for attending concerts, nightclubs, or loud sporting events

Protection from swimmer’s ear or surfer’s ear

Types of Hearing Protection
Woodard Hearing Centers’ custom earpieces are specifically designed to fit your ears.

Headphone Molds
Hear with unrivaled clarity and crispness and protect your priceless hearing. The custom fit provides great noise suppression from your surroundings, meaning you’ll no longer need to turn up the volume to block it out.

Designed for hunting and other high-level impact noise environments, this full-shell earpiece features a valve that instantaneously closes once a certain noise level is reached for your hearing protection.

Quality sound, comfort and security are the hallmarks of a custom-molded Bluetooth earpiece. Increase caller volume and block more ambient noise.

Noise Protection
Even short term exposure to loud noise can permanently damage your hearing. Reduce the danger from working and playing in noisy environments.

The custom ear mold for swimmers was original designed for use while surface swimming or showering to prevent moisture from entering the ear canal. It’s also a superb sound reducer with a noise reduction of 27 decibels.

The classic Pilot Earpiece provides custom-fit comfort. Features an easily adjustable bar for placement of the boom microphone.

Enjoy unequalled sound quality, response and reliability with the fit and comfort that only custom molded earpieces can provide. Eliminate feedback, lower onstage noise levels and reduce vocal fatigue.

This skeleton style communications earpiece is most commonly used with a teleprompter in broadcasting or by law enforcement personnel in the field. It can also be ordered with smaller style earpieces or straight tubing.
FAQs About Prescription Hearing Aids
What Are the Differences Between Custom Vs. Non-Custom Earplugs?
Custom earplugs provide you with a tight acoustic fit that won’t budge, so you’ll enjoy a clear sound that won’t damage your hearing. They’re also watertight – perfect for swimming or surfing!
Non-custom earplugs are a good fix in a pinch, but the one-size-fits-all approach is often uncomfortable for more unique ear canal shapes and can become painful after extended wear.
It’s like wearing a pair of shoes that doesn’t quite fit right: They’ll protect your feet, but they’ll be too tight or too loose and feel awkward to wear for too long.
How Long Does the Custom Fitting Process Typically Take?
The custom fitting process involves getting an impression made of your ear canal for the earplug’s optimal fit. This is typically a mixture of putty that hardens after a few minutes, providing an exact copy of your ear canal for the earplug or earmold to be made with.
This typically takes a little under an hour, including an ear cleaning to remove excess earwax before the impression is taken.
Can Custom Earmolds Be Made For People With Hearing Aids?
Absolutely! We highly recommend getting custom earmolds made for your hearing aids to ensure a comfortable, watertight fit. With a custom earmold for your hearing aid, you’ll be more likely to wear it frequently, allowing your body to adapt to the new way of hearing.
Can I Use Custom Earplugs While Swimming Or Showering?
Custom earplugs can be made waterproof for swimming, surfing, or showering so your ears are protected from water damage.
Schedule Your Hearing Assessment
Hearing loss can surprise you; quite often, it’s the people around you that notice you’re in need of a boost to your hearing before you realize it. Before you tell yourself “It’s not that bad yet,” why not come in for a hearing test and see what your current levels are like?
Woodard Hearing Centers is here to help. All you need to do is fill out the form here to tell us about yourself and your hearing challenges. You can also call your closest office to schedule your appointment sooner.
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